
a holiday letter
an edition of two

tasting notes: clip art, family, maybe a little TMI, the joyful melancholy of an ending

Hello friends,

It's been a few years since we've sent out a holiday letter and we thought it was past time to reconnect with friends we've seen and those we haven't, to tell you what we've been up to.


Grant retired earlier this year, which has been both more and less of a change than we expected. He's having plenty of fun-that-looks-like-work, he says -- still heading out to the barn most mornings, but freed to create for himself. There's rumor of a show in the city next fall although we won't count our chickens, as he's also planning to have a knee replacement next summer. All those years of skiing and dirt bike riding really did a number on him! He's still cooking up a storm as well and this past November, he catered a literary dinner as a fundraiser for the new high school -- Something Wicked This Way Comes!! How fitting!!


Laney continues to consult for various organizations across the country, although she's beginning to long for retirement (Grant makes it look so fun) or at least a bit less work-travel. She has also continued to steer Grant's mother's literary estate, including the well-recieved adaptation of Hark! that came out this past Memorial Day. She and Grant got to go to the red carpet in Los Angeles, which was a real thrill! She's also very happy out in her garden, tending to the weeds and the seeds.


Zoe married Jocelyn, the love of her life, this past spring in a beautiful ceremony at an Inn near Acadia National Park. They have been splitting their time between Boston and Portland (Maine) but have recently decided that they are going to go full-time in Maine! Giving up that city life comes surprisingly easy, she says, and they're looking forward to giving their sweet pup Pekoe a proper yard to run around in. She'll also be joining the Park Trust at Acadia and continues to run marathons around the world.


Charlie has been out there in Los Angeles for the last five years, where he has developed a love of weekend hikes, days at the beach, and the Dodgers! He's been working in game design as well as writing in his spare time -- although we aren't supposed to mention that, despite how proud we are that one of his stories was featured in this year's Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, an honor with which his grandmother in particular would've been very pleased. He remains, and we're quoting here, "a resolute spinster."

The biggest update is saved for last: we've decided to sell our house. This is a decision not made lightly, for all that it has been a long time coming. Many of you know that Grant was born and raised in this house, it's the house where we raised Zoe and Charlie, and it's so much more besides. It's a hell of a house! But new chapters are opening for the Wright Family and we want to be closer to the kids, we want to be able to travel, we want to not worry about plowing that driveway!!

We have already had an offer from a young couple who we think will fit right in -- we've pre-paid for their first few nights at the Flag Stop, to help ease things along.

We will of course keep you updated! Hope you have a lovely holiday season and wishing all the most wondrous things for your new year.


Laney and Grant (and Zoe and Charlie)